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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Right on Target

Hello savvy savers! I hope that all of your weekends were wonderful and that you found so fabulous finds/deals if you made it to the mall. 
On Friday I happend to stop buy Target and as we (Canadians) know, Target is offically closing there doors soon. As sad as it may be, there are also some fairly excitable deals happening right now. 
As you can see from the picture above I found some, not many, finds while I was in Target. The stripped on the left was $14.00 and the black sweater was $13.99. On the bottom it says I saved a total of $9.90. I could have almost bought another shirt with that money! 
There you have it, Right on Target with the sales and shirts. :) If you have any deals that you would like to share comment or email me and I might feature you in a post! Have a fabulous Sunday! 

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